Many have come to use the vast resources of cyberspace to earn extra money and I am one of them trying to dig deeper to its core to find the tricks and the way around. So in my quest and along my journey I stumble in a forum discussion about Scavenger Cash, which is a paid to post forum, where I am able to form a bond with the moderators and some of the members. Since the environment there has been outstanding and the sense of helping each other is even greater.
One of the moderators, actually the super moderator there, named "cashonly" visited and reviewed my site at some point and has given me a great feedback for what I have done.
Here's what she said about my website. click here The website that I am talking about is "Be a Lifesaver Of Goodness" in short BLOG. That is my other definition of what is BLOG all about in the medical field.
Yup, rainyl is right. Your other blog is informative. A few sites are like that. ^^