06 October 2011

Apple founder Steve Jobs dies (1955-2011)

image from wikimedia commons
If you don't know who Steve Jobs is then you might not be an Apple owner and even if you are not, you should have known him for he have revolutionized and transformed the word apple into one of the most sought computer and mobile phone technologies. The maestro behind iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes died at the age of 56 but it wasn't revealed where and what causes his death. But it has been known that in recent years he had fought a rare form of pancreatic cancer and in fact he had a liver transplant.

He has been taking a leave of absence and I believe (if I am not mistaken) for about three times already since his battle with cancer started. Then last August he stepped down as Apple's CEO, handed it over to his hand-picked successor Tim Cook, the long time operations chief.

Apple's technology has been known for its minimalist design yet had a very influential character in the world of personal computing and mobile phone as we know it today. And perhaps, the most notable one is when the iPod was launched in the early 2000 that you can see everywhere and the thumb-dial control contraption seemed to be prominent than a wristwatch.

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